Lamb Design Group offers a fresh approach to the design process.  We ascribe to the tenant that quality communication on all levels and an unwavering attention to detail are essential to producing outstanding results and client satisfaction.  

Our work is never repetitive or predictable

Linda’s reputation for exclusive interiors is a result of her passion for design research and an extraordinary wealth of unique vendor resources and craftspeople, which allows us to connect our clients to aesthetically beautiful interior and architectural elements.

Linda is known professionally for being the ultimate team player and exceeding expectations. With a prevailing focus on customer service and a detailed approach toward overall project management, her firm is uniquely qualified to provide a successful beginning-to-end experience for her clients.

Described by clients as one of those rare individuals who “just get it done”, Lamb has an unwavering dedication to the specific needs, budget and individual preferences of each client.  Linda “brings enthusiasm and positive energy to every project!”